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The Requirements for Adoption

There are ideals that say that all adoptive parents need for their kids is love. While, it is true that kids need support from their parents, adoption requires more than just a happy home and a warm heart. There are four different factors which decide if people can adopt kids in need of families; the law, the adoption agency, the birth parents and the adoptee.

The law requires certain due diligence to ensure a safe and constructive environment is waiting for a needy child. Paperwork, a hearing, and a home study all need to be completed prior to any adoption being finalized. The home study is particularly important because it sets the stage for the whole process. It shows the capabilities of the adoptive family in regards to the environment, standard of living, and ability to provide the home necessary to raise a child.

Agencies on the other hand can require more specific desires like religious affiliation, marital status and age. Most states require the adoptive parents to be at least 18 years old, but some require the parents to be 25. They also try to stay below the age of 45 to 50 when selecting adoptive parents. While these aspects of the process seem very discriminatory, it is important to remember the reasons that these agencies exist. They are entrusted with the placement and care of dependent children.

The birth parents will have much more subjective criteria. There are also cases where the birth parents may change their minds if something does not feel right. It is good to know that if seeking an adoption through a public agency, the birth parents rights may have already been transferred to that agency. The adopting parents or person may also bring some restrictions unbeknownst to them. Financial, health, background concerns may limit any person or couple from finalizing an adoption. If you have thought about adopting a child, then it is a good idea to seek the legal advice from a knowledgeable family law attorney in DuPage County.

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