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Basics of Illinois Child Custody

When deciding on custody matters, an Illinois family court will consider several factors. If you are planning to file for child custody, you will need a skilled Naperville family law attorney, but some basic knowledge about the custody statutes cannot hurt either.

Family courts will determine custody based on the best interest of the child, and they will look at a number of factors before making a decision. These factors include, for example: parents wished; childs wishes; childs relationsip with the parents; childs adjustment to home, school, and community; mental and physical health of all involved parties; and history of domestic violence or threats of violence against a child or another party. These are not, however, all of the factors considered.

Illinois family courts prefer awarding joint legal custody if there are no reasons for it to be considered inappropriate. When the courts make their decision about whether joint custody is appropriate, the will look at the already-mentioned factors related to the best interests of the child, in addition to each parents living accommodations. If joint custody is awarded, both parties will sign a Joint Parenting Agreement, which will explain the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

In Illinois, anon-custodial parent is entitled to visitation unless the court determines the visitation will endanger the childs physical, mental or emotional health. In addition, a family court can order visitation at a public or private facility.

Basic information can always be found on the internet, but when you are planning to file for child custody, divorce or any other family law matter, make sure you have a skilled attorney on your side. Our Naperville, Illinois, divorce attorneys can provide you with legal help with over 30 years of experience. Contact our dedicated divorce and family law attorneys today.

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