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Surviving the Holidays During Divorce

Divorce isn't an easy process, and it's only made worse during the holidays. While you may be “over” the divorce in your day-to-day life, or at least comfortable with the proceedings, the holidays can be an emotional time, and anyone—even the most well-adjusted divorcee—can be blindsided by sadness and loneliness during the “happiest time of the year.” Things can be more complicated with children, but easier in a way, too. The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with co-parenting during the holidays is the relationship with your ex. Hiring the counsel of an experienced family law lawyer during initial divorce proceedings is the best way to keep it civil between you and your ex.

According to the Huffington Post, there are ten simple things you can do to keep the holidays happy for your family, whatever that family may be. One thing to keep in mind in the beginning is to lay the groundwork for the holidays with your ex during the first sessions with your lawyers. Dividing up time with the kids and deciding if you'll alternate homes with them or muster up civility to share the holidays together is as important as deciding what to do with the house. Once it's decided, stick to it. If you decide to alternate holidays, choose something special for yourself entirely unrelated to your previous traditions—a new life is made a lot easier with new ideas. If you decide to share the holidays together still, avoid arguments like the plague.

A willingness to be flexible is important, especially if you have kids. Take new holiday photos without your ex, and be proud of the new life you've created for yourself. Celebrate the time you have to yourself, and avoid other-family holiday parties if your family isn't being the support network you need them to be.

If you or someone you know is considering divorce, don't go through it alone. Contact a dedicated Illinois divorce attorney today.

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