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Evidence behind Famous Seven Year Itch

Since the famous movie The Seven Year Itch with Marilyn Monroe, people have tried to understand the phenomena. In the movie, a New York man lives the bachelor life after he sends his wife and child upstate for a summer break. His imagination runs wild when a curvy woman moves into his apartment complex. The movie created the name for when married couples drift apart.

An Austrian philosopher named Rudolf Steiner developed a theory about how people change every seven years. This theory was based on the seven years cycle associated with astrology. People's minds and bodies change and develop leaving marriages less stable and divorce more likely.

Another study by a psychology professor from Wright State University name Dr. Larry A. Kurdek also unearthed a seven year itch. The study, released in 1999, stated that "couples often began their unions with high levels of marital quality, but that it appeared to decrease twice: once rather steeply over the first four years and again after about seven." Children were also believed to deteriorate the marriage even quicker under the same study.

In 2010, an accounting firm named Grant Thornton also investigated the seven year itch. They gathered data from 90 law firms to show that most couples actually divorce after more than a decade of marriage. Generally, married couples divorced after around 12 years of being married.

There is no magic number that explains when people drift apart. If you and your spouse have changed to the point that your marriage is not working, a divorce can allow you a fresh start. Contact an experienced family law attorney in DuPage County today.

Since the famous movie The Seven Year Itch with Marilyn Monroe, people have tried to understand the phenomena. In the movie, a New York man lives the bachelor life after he sends his wife and child upstate for a summer break. His imagination runs wild when a curvy woman moves into his apartment complex. The movie created the name for when married couples drift apart.

An Austrian philosopher named Rudolf Steiner developed a theory about how people change every seven years. This theory was based on the seven years cycle associated with astrology. People's minds and bodies change and develop leaving marriages less stable and divorce more likely.

Another study by a psychology professor from Wright State University name Dr. Larry A. Kurdek also unearthed a seven year itch. The study, released in 1999, stated that "couples often began their unions with high levels of marital quality, but that it appeared to decrease twice: once rather steeply over the first four years and again after about seven." Children were also believed to deteriorate the marriage even quicker under the same study.

In 2010, an accounting firm named Grant Thornton also investigated the seven year itch. They gathered data from 90 law firms to show that most couples actually divorce after more than a decade of marriage. Generally married couples divorced after around 12 years of being married.

There is no magic number that explains when people drift apart. If you and your spouse have changed to the point that your marriage is not working, a divorce can allow you a fresh start. Contact an experienced family law attorney in DuPage County today.

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