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Online Adoption Filled with Fraud and Deception, Report Says


A report released in January found that while online adoption has streamlined the adoption process, it also is riddled with fraudulent practices, according to the Chicago Tribune. Many adoption services on the Web are only in it for the money and have shifted away from the viewpoint that their main purpose is to find parents for children. Domestic infant adoption is especially replete with dubious practices because there are not many babies available and competition is tough.

In Illinois, non-licensed providers are forbidden from conducting adoption services. However, some providers advertise their websites aggressively and can be easily found online. The Illinois attorney generals office has said that it is planning to put a stop to the practices of some of the most aggressive providers out there. Some of these providers promise quick placements and bait pregnant mothers with free incentives.

There are over a dozen online adoption companies operating in Illinois, according to Julie Tye, executive director of The Cradle in Evanston. One should bear in mind that while there are some questionable operators, many reputable adoption agencies also offer their services online. Do not be fooled by empty promises and free gifts, and always make sure that the provider is legit.

Adoption is an excellent choice for expanding your family, but the laws governing the process can be complex and confusing. If you are contemplating adoption, you should make sure that you get the guidance you need by enlisting the services of a skilled family law lawyer who has your best interests in mind. Contact an experienced adoption attorney in Naperville, Illinois today.

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