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Planning Before a Divorce

According to, “the best advice about divorce would be to prevent it if possible.” This advice seems almost laughable, in a country where just over 40 percent of all marriages end in divorce (depending on whose statistics you believe), and isn't something people in the throes of a divorce want to hear.

Having said that, not all divorces have to be nasty, and not all should be avoided. In fact, sometimes staying in a bad or unhealthy marriage is a much worse headache than the temporary madness of a divorce. If divorce can't be avoided—or you're ready for a fresh start alone—there are plenty of things you can do to make the divorce smoother for everyone involved.

“Some researchers,” according to Forbes, “have found that nearly 80 percent of divorces are unilateral, as opposed to something both parties want.” That means an uphill battle when it comes to keeping it civil. If you're the party who wants the divorce, you'll need to first lay out a plan, and decide how to approach the first big conversation. In addition, you'd do well to have a financial, parenting, and settlement plan already figured before having that big conversation. It'll only make it easier down the road.

“Statistics tell us,” according to Forbes, “that 70 percent of divorce filings are by women.” While many couples are moving away from traditional gender roles, the majority of breadwinners in American families are men. This means that while a woman may be more likely to decide when to be divorced, the man may be more likely to control the post-divorce finances. Having a plan for financial independence before filing for divorce is that much more important if you're a woman.

Planning beforehand isn't the only complicated process to initiate divorce. Don't go through it alone. If you or someone you know is considering divorce, contact an experienced Illinois divorce attorney today.

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