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Survey Finds Cheating Wives With Children

May and June may be the months that we celebrate our parents and parenthood, but according to the dating site and reported on in the Huffington Post, “many dads will be spending Father's Day with children they didn't spawn.” AshleyMadison is a dating site that “targets married people looking to cheat on their spouses,” reports the Huffington Post, and released the results in mid-June from a site-wide survey that had some surprising and unsettling findings. The survey polled 102,137 of its female members (remember that most members of this site have either cheated or are looking to cheat on their partners), asking if they “had ever become pregnant with another man's child and passed the baby off as their husband's.” A whopping 9 percent of respondents admitted to doing so, and an additional 16 percent reported as not being sure who had fathered one or more of their children.

The site also reported that the day after Father's Day is one of the busiest days for traffic on the website, and site founder Noel Biderman said that it might be because of these survey results. In a press release cited in the Huffington Post, Biderman wrote, “perhaps on a subconscious level, some of these men have come to recognize the family in front of them may not be progeny of their own. In that instance, an affair can become a form of retaliation.”

These women are in good company. A 2007 survey reported on NBC News found that “about one of five adults in monogamous relationships, or 22 percent, has cheated on their current partner.” While AshleyMadison may have found women to be guilty culprits, NBC reports that the rate is even higher than 22 percent “among married men.” Cheating is one of the most popular reasons cited for divorce across the board.

If you or someone you know suspects your spouse of cheating and are considering divorce, don't go through it alone. Contact a dedicated Naperville divorce attorney today.

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