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Divorce Rates Rise Around Valentine's Day

Within the past few years, according to the statement from, requests for divorce have increased around 40 percent in the weeks surrounding Valentine's Day. Additionally, general questions about filing for divorce raise about 36 percent during that time.

There are many possible reasons for these higher rates. In this article from the Huffington Post, speculations state that the timing of Valentine's Day and divorces may be mostly coincidence. Although it is a romantic time, where strained marriages may reach breaking point when surrounded by candy hearts and flowers, there are also some practical matters that take place during the beginning months.

Many financial rates increase in January, which can cause additional stress in relationships. Also, the holidays have finally settled down, allowing you or your spouse to allot more time questioning the longevity and benefits of the relationship. It also offers a safe month to start divorce proceedings since February is not interrupting the festive holiday spirit of November and December.

If a marriage is unhappy, Valentine's Day may be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Having continuous stimuli surrounding you while you experience a lackluster night—or even having a spouse ignore it entirely—can drive to you thinking about divorce as a viable option.

There are some preliminary steps to take when thinking about filing for a divorce, including managing your assets to make sure you can provide for yourself and not writing any emotional comments on social media sites—these can be used against you later during court proceedings. In addition, it is very advantageous to hire a lawyer to help walk you through all the steps. Attorneys will talk to your husband or wife's representation as well to try and assist in making the process go as smoothly as possible. Our law firm in Naperville, Illinois, has extensive experience with divorce and family law. Contact us today to learn what options are available to you.

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