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Make your Divorce Resolutions

Going through a divorce can be highly emotional and in emotional situations, it is easy to make decisions that can come back to bite you later. Now that the divorce is over, according to Psychology Today, it is the perfect time to make some divorce resolution.

Think before you speak

Just because the divorce is final, it does not mean that you are not harboring any feelings about it or that you have had complete closure. However, it is important to think about what you say in an email, text message, Facebook, or even in front of your children. If you do have children, you have to continue to have a relationship with your ex, which can be tricky.

Practice open communication methods

When you have a concern, don't hold back. Go to your ex and talk about it. At the same time, you have to be willing to listen to the concerns that your ex may have. The worst thing that you can do is hold it all in until the smallest thing ends up being blown out of proportion.

Support the Family

Many parents make the mistake of thinking that having separate rules in the different households is going to work. Actually, it is very counterproductive. When it comes to the children, it is very important that the kids know that the both of you are on the same page. Plan family meetings to discuss problems with the children out in the open and show the children that you two cannot be pitted against each other.

Respect the ex

Just because they are now your ex, it does not mean that you have the right to be anything but respectful. If you have told your ex that you are going to provide certain things for the kids such as extra money for extracurricular activities, make good on your word. If you say that you are going to be there at a certain time, be punctual. These small things can make the relationship much easier.

If you are facing a potential divorce, a dedicated and experienced Illinois family law attorney can assist you.

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