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Is Your Divorce Attorney Right for You?

Going through a divorce is an emotional, stressful and even sad situation. When you retain the services of a divorce attorney to help guide you through this legal process, it's important to feel that this person is your ally and in your corner. But sometimes, the lawyer you hire may not be a good fit for you.

A recent article in the Huffington Post discusses the indicators that should signal to you that it may be time to hire another divorce attorney.

Communication with your attorney is paramount. If your lawyer isn't returning your phone calls or emails, you have a right to be concerned. How will your case ever go ahead and get resolved if your attorney ignores you?

Another cause for concern is if your attorney is negotiating with your spouse's lawyer but does not keep you informed to what those negotiations are. The same applies to documents or motions that may be exchanged or filed with the court. Not sharing this information with you is totally unacceptable. You have every right to know the details of your case.

And although you hire an attorney because he or she understands the complexities of the legal system and how it works, you are the one who has final say in all of the legal decisions made in your case. Your attorney should not be making any of those decisions without your approval.

Another key area is strategy. There are many different ways to proceed in a divorce and you and your attorney should be in agreement in the direction and tone you want the direction of the divorce to go in. For example, if there are issues that you and your spouse already agree on, yet your attorney is trying to turn every issue into a litigated one, then it may be this attorney is not the right one for you.

There may be nothing worse for your case than showing up in court with an attorney by your side who has not prepared or researched your case. You're the client and you're paying for these services. You have every right to expect the person you retain to perform the job you're paying them to do.

It's important to hire a divorce attorney that you feel comfortable with and can communicate with. Contact an experienced Naperville divorce attorney to help navigate you through this difficult process.

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