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Prenuptial Agreements for Remarried Couples

Wedding Ceremony
Is it possible to revisit the past in order to rebuild a future? Would you remarry your ex? Marie Osmond did – after 26 years of divorce. Reality TV personality NeNe Leakes has an entire show devoted to her path to reconciliation. Even Peaches and Herb sang about the joys of being reunited, which became a triple-platinum hit. A recent article in the online version of USA Today reported that there has recently been a decline in remarriages; many couples are favoring cohabitation. The article, citing federal data, reported a 40% decline in the national remarriage rate over the past 20 years. While it may not be the norm, it is entirely possible to remarry the same person you divorced and stay together, but there is one thing you should consider the second time around: creating a prenuptial agreement.Statistics aside (and there are plenty to choose from), it is possible to divorce again. As unromantic as it may sound, a prenuptial agreement can help you plan for the unexpected.
The Basics of Establishing Prenuptial Agreement Prenuptial agreements, also known as premarital agreements, must be entered into willingly by both parties and they become effective once a couple is married. The Illinois Uniform Premarital Agreement Act outlines the requirements that couples must abide by to legally establish an enforceable agreement. A prenuptial agreement can outline how you will handle issues such as:
  • Property rights and obligations
  • Property disposition upon dissolution of marriage
  • Maintenance modification or elimination
  • Provision through Wills and Trusts
  • Death benefits from life insurance policies
A knowledgeable Naperville family law attorney can help you focus in what is important to both of you and help you create a binding agreement to protect your future. Having a properly drafted prenuptial agreement gives each person an equal say in how things will be handled in the unfortunate event of a divorce and leaves no room for misinterpretation. If you are thinking about remarriage and are considering creating a prenuptial agreement, contact an experienced Naperville, Illinois family law attorney today.
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