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Why It's Important to Hire a Lawyer

In the age of the Internet, one in which anyone can become an expert at something with a few clicks of a mouse and some determination, more and more things are being done independently of traditional structures. One such institution that's seeing more and more DIY participation is divorce. According to the Huffington Post, “sites like and allow users to prepare divorce papers without any legal consultation.” Even sites like Craigslist are being used to facilitate divorce, with people soliciting and offering help filling out divorce paperwork. And yet, according to the Huffington Post, “although approaching a divorce without the help of an attorney can save money, it may also make the divorce process more difficult.”

It's not only the paperwork that can be tricky. It's also court proceedings, in which an inexperienced or DIY-divorcer may not being able to sway the judge. A Texas-based divorce attorney told the Huffington Post that if one spouse is approaching the divorce without an attorney while the other has enlisted professional assistance, the spouse without the attorney will likely lose big. “If the lawyer over here knows how to object properly,” he told the Huffington Post, “they're going to want to exclude all kinds of evidence and they're not going to let things in.”

According to a different Huffington Post article, there are many boons—in addition to the actual proceedings—that come with the hired help of a professional. “Hiring an attorney to complete a divorce is one way to reduce the stress of the divorce,” reports the Huffington Post. While you take care of the emotional fallout a divorce can have on your family, the attorney can gather information pertinent to proceedings. “You have enough things to worry about when you are getting divorce,” reports the Huffington Post. “Let an attorney take care of the legal work.”

That's not even to mention the mistakes that can be made doing a DIY divorce, ones that can cost you money, time, and peace of mind. Don't go through it alone. If you or someone you know is considering divorce, contact a dedicated Illinois family law attorney today.

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