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Domestic Abuse Victims

Domestic abuse happens every day and sometimes even after the abusive relationship has ended, the abuse will continue. Anyone can be a victim and any relationship can turn abusive.

Workplace harassment may be shoved off as playful banter, but may turn into a dangerous relationship. If the abuse continues too long, it may also lead to more serious injuries that may physically impair a person from accomplishing what he or she needs to do in and out of the workplace.

Some examples of commonly abused groups, according to Safe Horizon, include:

  • Physically or mentally challenged people abused by their caregivers;
  • Elderly people by their caregivers;
  • Wives by their husbands;
  • Husbands by their wives;
  • Children by their mothers;
  • Children by their fathers;
  • Foster children by their foster family;
  • Teens by their boyfriends or girlfriends.

Females between the ages of 16-24 are at the highest risk for domestic abuse, experiencing abuse at a rate of three times more often than any other group according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Often times when abuse starts in a teenage relationship, it begins by the boyfriend or girlfriend doing one of the following:

  • Becoming jealous and spying;
  • Verbally abusing;
  • Forcing sex and refusing to take no as an answer;
  • Abusing alcohol and/or drugs, pressuring you into it as well;
  • Bragging about hurting others, then becoming violent in the relationship;
  • Not allowing the relationship to end;
  • Blaming bad relationship history on others.

These teens that meet each other at school and at after-school jobs, but they are more likely to turn these high school relationships into marriages, according to CBS news, than they were 20 years ago. Teenagers are also the least likely of any age group to recognize sexual harassment for what it is because it will be played off as teenage boys “just being teenage boys,” but it can often lead to something much more serious than that.

If you are being abused, whether you are an adult or a teenager and you have been seriously injured, contact a family law attorney. It is important to get yourself away from your abuser and have him or her punished for what he or she has done to you. Roscich & Martel Law Firm can help you with your domestic abuse case in Naperville, Ill. today.

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