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Local Government Bails Out Child Support Collections Agency

Faced with possible shutdown because of the ongoing budget crisis, the states Title IV child support collection arm should now have enough money to remain operational through the end of the fiscal year.

Kane County officials recently approved a $310,000 emergency loan, which coupled with federal funding, should allow local four-attorney division of the States Attorneys Office to meet its $700,000 budget. According to reports, the state of Illinois had not made a payment on the contract since last August and, after having met payroll in February, the agency was out of money. The county may file suit against the state to recover the $310,000, but one official said such action would be “a last resort.” Going forward, there are plans to merge Title IV with federal programs, as the county cannot afford to continue footing the bill.

Title IV collected a little over $25 million in past-due child support last year.

Child Support in Illinois

The Land of Lincoln is one of the few remaining states that utilize a percentage-of-income system for child support determination purposes, as most states have adopted a model that considers other factors in addition to the obligor's income, such as the amount of parenting time.

There is a sliding scale which begins at 20 percent for one child and ends at 50 percent for six or more children. With a few exceptions, such as permanently physically or mentally disabled children, the child support obligation ends when the children turn 19 or graduate from high school, whichever comes first.

If the judge determines that the guideline amount is not “appropriate after considering the best interest of the child,” the amount may deviate based on:

  • Child's Resources and Needs: Some children have income from part-time jobs or annuity payments, while others have special physical, emotional, or educational needs.
  • Parents' Resources and Needs: It may be inappropriate for a low-income obligor to pay guideline child support to a high-income obligee.
  • Specific Costs: The statute lists uninsured medical expenses, child care expenses, extracurricular activities, and educational expenses.

Child support may be modified based on a material change in circumstances, such as a good faith job change. Changing needs of the child may also necessitate an order modification.

Many area families depend on regular support payments. For prompt assistance in this area, contact an experienced Naperville family law attorney. We routinely handle cases in DuPage County, Will County, and nearby jurisdictions.


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