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Happyville, Illinois

Deerfield (no. 2), Naperville (no. 10), and several other Chicago suburbs made a recent list of the ten best places to live in Illinois, in part because of low divorce rates.

The survey examined 162 communities in the state and ranked them in 21 separate categories. In addition to marriage dissolution rates, the study considered the percentage of families with children under 18, medical care availability, and violent crime rates.

In addition to Deerfield, top five also consisted of Morton, Washington, Libertyville, and O'Fallon. On the flip side, the bottom five were East St. Louis, Harvey, Dolton, Maywood, and Blue Island.

Overlooked Aspects of a Divorce

There are always negative emotional and financial consequences in a divorce. At the same time, there are always positive financial and emotional effects as well. Major issues, like child custody, child support, and the marital residence, understandably get most of the attention. But there are also some under-the-radar factors to consider, and these items may have as much effect on a decision as the larger issues.

  • Health Insurance: Divorce terminates a non-employee spouse's participation in an employer-sponsored health plan. COBRA coverage is an option, but it is expensive and only a short-term solution. This consideration is especially important for spouses with pre-existing conditions or other health issues;
  • Temporary Orders: Often, unless there is a major revelation as the case develops, the temporary orders serve as a blueprint for the final orders. This reality underscores the need for an aggressive, but not overly-so, attorney. If your marriage appears to be breaking down, for whatever reason, it is best to talk to an attorney straightaway, because things happen fast once a petition is filed;
  • Possible Financial Impact: Illinois uses percentage-of-income formulas to determine spousal support and child support, making it possible to reasonably estimate these liabilities with little more than a current tax return.

The vast majority of divorce cases settle out of court, usually after the parties conduct discovery. Once discovery is at least substantially complete, most cases are resolved through formal or informal mediation, which allows the parties to control costs, maintain some civility, and retain more control over the outcome.

At Roscich & Martel, we fight for your legal and financial rights. Call our experienced Naperville family law attorneys today for a confidential consultation.


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