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Creating a Smooth Divorce Transition for Your Child Through Parenting Time and Education

Even in the most ideal divorce circumstances, children feel the effects of the family separation from the get-go. As the days and weeks unfold following the separation, feelings of loss, confusion, and anxiety can settle in as they begin to process the many changes happening around them. By implementing parenting time (visitation) arrangements and by utilizing the many educational resources the state makes available, however, you have the opportunity to create a smooth transition for your child and the entire family. Divorce is never easy, but it can be less stressful when a healthy family dynamic is established early on.

The Purpose of Parenting Time

Along with child custody (parental responsibility) arrangements, visitation arrangements can be developed that allow both parents to spend quality time with the child according to a schedule of some sort. Parenting time is especially important for the non-residential parent who needs that one-on-one time with their child. You and your former spouse can work with a family law attorney and mediator, if necessary, to come to an agreement regarding when, where, and how you will execute visitation time.

If you are having difficulties reaching an agreement or if there is significant tension surrounding your relationship with your former spouse, DuPage County provides supervised parenting time, which can be discussed with your attorney and arranged through court. Supervised parenting time provides a safe, neutral environment for the parent and child to interact that is free of conflict for both parents and the child. It can help establish or re-establish a healthy relationship between parent and child while ensuring that the child's best interest is protected.

Other Helpful Resources

Along with a mandated four-hour parent education seminar that encourages parents to set aside their differences and focus on the child's welfare first, the county also offers various programs to further encourage divorced spouses to learn how to cooperate for the sake of their children. The PEACE program is designed for high-conflict parents who struggle to communicate and interact peacefully, and the Transitional Exchange program focuses on assisting parents with the transition from one parenting plan to another. Both of these programs help the child as they experience visitation changes and new family dynamics.

Parenting time is a valuable tool, and it can make a huge difference in the quality of your relationship with your child following a divorce, but every parent needs some guidance as they navigate the transition. Speak to a knowledgeableDuPage County child custody attorney today to secure the assistance you need. Call the Roscich & Martel Law Firm, LLC at (630) 793-6337 today for a consultation.


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