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Divorce as a Young Person

It may seem that mostdivorces occur later in life, at least due to stereotypes of divorcees in movies, and divorces that are widely-publicized, namely celebrities and politicians. Therefore, it may come as a surprise that the average age of divorce is actually 30, and that the divorce rates, at least for most age groups, has been consistently dropping since 1996.

Additionally, while it may seem that if a person is going to remarry, he or she will do so with the intention of making sure that it is better the next time around, statistics show that the rate of divorce actually increases as the number of marriages increases. Just over 40 percent of all first marriages end in divorce, while 60 percent of second marriages do and an estimated 73 percent of third marriages do. This may go to show that some people are just more prone to divorce, or at least less prone to maintain a marriage.

Struggles for Younger Divorcees

Regardless of how old you are, or how long you had been married at the time of divorce, ending your marriage can be complicated and painful for all parties involved. If you are particularly young at the time of your divorce, or were only married for a short time,, marital dissolution may feel particularly painful or unexpected. There, however, are several good things about divorcing young that people who have been through it look back and are grateful for later on in life.

Potential Positives

The first reason that divorce as a younger married couple may be somewhat beneficial is that you have plenty of time to consider the rest of your life, and to meet someone new. If you have children, they will be young enough to grow up understanding that their parents just do not live in the same home—not that their parents love them less. It is likely that you will have a larger and wider social support system the younger you are, which not only will help you to move on when you feel ready to date or seek the company of someone else, but also provide the emotional support you may need as you navigate the divorce process. There is also the recognition that going through something difficult early in life sets the groundwork for a person to be stronger and wiser moving forward.

If you or someone you know is considering divorce, no matter how old you are, qualified legal help can make the process easier. Contact an experiencedNaperville divorce attorney today for a free initial consultation.


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