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Divorce Predictors

The use of a crystal ball to predict the future would be wonderful. Yet the reality is that none of us know what our future holds—the large percentage of married couples who end up divorced can attest to that. Couples do not plan their nuptials with the intention that their marriage will likely not end “happily ever after.” However, what if there was a way to predict whether or not you and your future spouse were going to have a fairy tale ending?

Multiple studies have been conducted to examine marriage and divorce, and several of those studies focused on trying to determine if there were predictors which could indicate if a married couple would eventually be headed for divorce court. Many of the predictors show up before a couple is even married. Hence, if you are planning to walk down the aisle with someone, you may want to consider the warning signs.


Studies show that couples who are 25 years of age or younger when they get married are more likely to get divorced than couples who are older. People who marry after the age of 35 have a much higher chance of marriage success.


One of the number one causes of divorce is financial difficulties and studies back this up. Couples who earn $25,000 or less each year have a much higher rate of divorce than couples who earn more.


If you are marrying someone who places more value on a person's looks or how much money a person has over an individual's personality, then your marriage has a high risk of divorce. Additionally, other studies show couples who attend church together on a regular basis have more successful marriages.


Although a college degree may leave you with student loan debt, higher education provides an almost 15 percent increase in your marriage success over someone who only has a high school education.

Health Habits

If both spouses of a couple smoke, or neither one smokes, their risks of splitting up stays the same. Yet if one spouse smokes and the other does not, then there is a 75 percent chance they will end up calling divorce attorneys.

The Cost of the Wedding

Engaged couples who spend more than $20,000 on their wedding increase the risk of splitting up more than couples who go for a more modest ceremony. Researchers say that this is likely due to the couple treating their wedding ceremony as big social event and party, rather than the celebration of beginning a new life as husband and wife. The bling of a large engagement ring, and all the glitz and glamour of an expensive reception, overshadows the true meaning of the event.

On the other hand, studies have also shown that if you invite a lot of people to your wedding, you decrease the risk of divorce compared to if it is just you and your spouse celebrating.

If your spouse-to-be passes all these factors and you are moving forward with wedding plans, one of the items that should be on your wedding planning list is contacting an experienced Naperville family law attorney to discuss having a prenuptial agreement drafted. Call Roscich & Martel Law Firm, LLC at (630) 793-6337 to schedule your confidential consultation today.


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