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Law Requires Hairdressers to Be Trained to Recognize Signs of Abuse

Illinois has enacted a law that requires salon professionals to be trained to spot signs of abuse on the men, women, and children who visit their establishments. The law became effective this year, and it is the first law of its kind in the United States.

This law is one of the many in Illinois that are meant to protect victims of domestic violence.

How the Law Works

The law requires that barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, hair braiders, and nail technicians go through training on domestic violence and sexual assault education when they are seeking their licenses. The law also requires that continuing education, which is required to maintain these licenses, include training on domestic violence and sexual assault.

The training, an hourlong program calledListen. Support. Connect., instructs beauty and grooming professionals on how to identify unexplainable tender spots on the scalp or bruising along the hairline. The law does not require that these workers report abuse if they suspect it, however. Additionally, salon professionals are protected from any liability.

Reason for the Law

The law is meant to give salon workers the tools on how to handle these sensitive situations that they may come across, as many people confide in hairdressers. Also, hairdressers are in the unique position to notice signs of abuse as they work.

Proponents of the bill say that one of the biggest hurdles in getting an abuse victim help is having the victim feel supported and making sure the victim believes that other people see something is wrong.

While this Illinois law is the first of its kind, the Professional Beauty Association has long held a campaign called “Cut it Out,” which recognizes that salon professionals often notice signs of abuse and can be a tremendous help to their clients if they are properly trained. This initiative seeks to raise awareness and provide resources to salon workers nationwide.

Contact an Illinois Family Law Attorney if You or Your Children Have Been Abused

If you are going through a divorce or break up and have suffered violence at the hands of your ex, contact a compassionate family law lawyer who can review your case and advise you on whether you qualify for an order of protection. Victims of domestic violence are given special treatment and special protections under Illinois law.

Contact the skilled DuPage County family law attorneys at Roscich & Martel Law Firm, LLC to schedule your initial consultation today.


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