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Preparing for Your Initial Meeting with a Divorce Attorney

Once you decide to file for divorce, or after you learn your spouse has filed for divorce, you need to decide how you will move forward. If you and your spouse do not have children, and there is little in the way of marital property and debts, you may be able to file for divorce without using an attorney. In most other cases, it is best to hire an attorney to handle the divorce.

Before you hire an attorney you may need to interview several attorneys. This means you have to prepare adequately for each meeting in order to get as much information as possible to help you make the best choice in hiring the attorney.

One of the first questions to ask an attorney before hiring him or her is whether he or she specializes in family law or divorces. An attorney who regularly handles divorce cases will be uniquely suited to spot common issues in a divorce and deal with child related issues. An experienced attorney will also be able to handle your divorce faster than an attorney who has to learn on the job.

Along the same lines, if you are interested in other ways to resolve your divorce instead of litigation, you can ask the attorney if he or she has experience with mediation or other dispute resolution methods.

You should also ask about the pay structure and an estimate of how much the case will cost. While the attorney may not be able to tell you an exact figure, you can find out if the attorney gets paid an hourly rate or a flat fee. Having an estimate of how much the divorce will cost allows you to plan for other expenses that you may personally incur before the divorce is finalized.

Having frequent contact with your attorney is also an important aspect of a divorce case. Therefore, it is important to figure out how much time you will actually have with your attorney versus another employee at his or her firm. It is also important to figure out how accessible your attorney will be if you need to file emergency petitions with the court, for example, for a temporary order for primary time sharing or spousal support.

When you are preparing the questions you have for the attorney, you should also prepare some basic information to share with the attorney in order to get a good idea of the issues that may arise in your case. You can prepare this information by knowing how much marital property you have, how much you and your spouse own, and a brief synopsis of your marriage. This can help start the conversation on the possible issues that may arise in your divorce.

Let Us Assist You Today

If you need assistance with your divorce or with any other family law matters, contact the experienced and compassionate Naperville divorce attorneys at the Roscich & Martel Law Firm, LLC for a consultation. We are eager to assist you today.


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