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Getting Divorced? Here is How You Should Handle Things at Work

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Getting divorced is never an easy experience for anyone, but sometimes it is simply necessary. Given that it is a major event, the changes that come with dissolving a marriage will inevitably reverberate throughout your entire life, including your professional life, regardless of how hard you try to keep it from spilling over. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot keep things professional on-the-job while going through the process of your divorce.

Below is a list of some tips that will help you handle things at work during this difficult time:

  • Tell your boss the facts: It might not seem appropriate to tell your boss about this personal matter, but it is actually important that you do so and that you approach this conversation without getting confessional. This means that you should skip the nasty details about how your marriage came to an end and stick to the logistics. How will your divorce impact your job duties? Whether you are going through litigation or an alternative method like mediation, you are going to have a number of appointments to attend, some of which might certainly require you to miss time from work. If you know of any of these dates now, let your boss know. Keep him or her updated and make assurances that you will stay committed and on track with your work, though some flexibility will be necessary.
  • Contact human resources early: Divorce is not only an emotional experience, but it is also one that involves a fair amount of paperwork, unfortunately. This means you will need to get a hold of human resources to handle details like your retirement and pension plan, health insurance premiums and coverage, and life and disability insurance. You will also need to update your tax information, beneficiaries, and emergency contacts. It might seem tedious, but it is immensely important.
  • Avoid making big or sudden moves: Making hasty decisions at a time like this is not advisable. This is an emotionally difficult time, so it is imperative that you think everything through before making decisions. Trying to deliberately lower your income to reduce your alimony or child support payments by turning down a promotion or quitting your job will never pay off and might even be held against you during divorce proceedings. You should also never take large loans or cash out on retirement plans until after your divorce has been finalized and legal proceedings are over.
  • Take care of your mental health: This is likely to be one of the most stressful experiences of your life, so it is important to remember to take care of yourself by incorporating self-care routines into your workday. For some, this means eating healthier, minimizing after-work happy hours, getting fresh air and a walk once a day, or even hitting the gym before work. Make sure you try to do whatever you can contribute to help mental wellbeing or your ability to perform your job duties might be negatively affected.

Divorce Attorneys in Naperville

If you and your spouse are getting a divorce, now is the time to secure skilled legal representation to ensure you are able to go through the process smoothly while protecting your interests. At the Roscich & Martel Law Firm, our divorce attorneys in Naperville are dedicated to assisting clients throughout the divorce process. You should not have to go through this experience on your own.

Retain the experienced legal counsel you deserve by contacting us today at (630) 793-6337 to request your free initial case evaluation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys.

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